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Farscape Fan Music Videos

Posted by melagee on October 26, 2012

I’m going to be super fangirly right now.

Back at the turn of the century, when Farscape was on television and I was loving every moment of it, my roommate-at-the-time found these fan made music videos and we would watch them over and over. They are every bit the epitome of cheesiness now, but back then I thought they were amazing. To be perfectly honest, the beginning of My Immortal still makes me choked up, but that’s really more about the fabulousness of Farscape than anything else.

At any rate, without these fan vids I never would have discovered the beauty that is Tom McRae, so I am sharing these wonderfully cheesey things with you.

Spoilers for all seasons, but not for the Peacekeeper Wars.

Also, if you haven’t watched Farscape yet, good god get to it.


A video about John and Aeryn ❤

The two Crichtons.


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