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The Word List

Posted by melagee on July 25, 2009

Words I love, now in list form!

5. Tintinnabulation

The ringing or sound of bells.  I just heard this word yesterday when I was telling someone about some of my favourite words.  She told me this was her favourite word and I said “Ooo, I’m going to steal that!” and I wrote it down.  Then she got mad because I told her word and she demanded it back.  I refused and she became enraged and challenged me to a duel.  I reminded her that we didn’t have any pistols with us, and she consented to use rapiers.  We met at dusk and the rest, as they say, is history.  (Hi Molly!!)

4. Supercilious

Disdainful or contemptuous, as a person or a facial expression.  I admit that I liked this word even before I ever knew what it meant (yesterday), but I think the word is just too awesome for the definition.  I am going to keep assuming that it refers to someone who is really good and innovative at being silly.

3. Ipecac

I first heard the word ipecac (a syrup designed to make you vomit) while watching Sleepless in Seattle.  I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that I liked it.  I said it out loud and noticed how strange the word sounded.  So I said it again.  And again and again and again.  And every time I said it, it sounded weirder and weirder.  Ipecac.  Ip-e-cac. Ipe-cac.  Huh.  It almost sounds like it’s not even an actual word.  It sounds like someone just made up a random jibberish word and then wouldn’t stop saying it until it caught on.

2. Cinnabon

Cinnaboncinnaboncinnabonbonboncinnabonboncinnaboncinnabon!  Heehee! Cinnabon is the name of a cinnamon bun shop that sells utterly delightful pastries.  But that’s not why I like the word.  It’s just a damn fun word to say  overandoverandoverandover.  You can vary the pattern and shake things up a bit.  You can swap letters and parts of the word and just say one long variation of the word for an indefinite period of time.  It’s probably pretty annoying to the people around you,but who cares about them anyway, right?

1. Potato

Okay, the truth is, I don’t know why this word in on this list.  Potato is one of those words that pops into my head quite often, for seemingly no reason at all.  Often when I am testing out a new pen, or test typing, Potato is the word that I write out.  If someone asks me to say the first thing that comes to my mind, I will say Potato.  Why?  I really have no idea.  It’s not a particularly pleasant word.  It doesn’t roll of the tongue with ease.  It doesn’t sound pretty or musical.  The fact is, I don’t even remember how it spell it properly half the time; I often have to stop and think if there’s an “e” on the end.  But here it is.  The word that runs through my head probably more than any other.  I don’t know that I enjoy it on a conscious level, but I figure there’s got to be some reason why it’s always on my mind.  And, to be fair, potatoes are delicious.

One Response to “The Word List”

  1. Jaynee said

    One of my favorite scenes in the movie “Never Been Kissed” is when a very hungover Drew Barrymore is on the phone and asks, “You know what’s a weird word? Fork.” I laugh every time.

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